ENGEL Global


Process plastic surface (PPS)
upon requestNetherlandsDutch registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 03/31/2025 - 04/01/2025 WarsawPolandPolish PLN 1960
Process plastic surface (PPS)
04/10/2025 - 04/11/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
04/15/2025 - 04/16/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
04/21/2025 - 04/22/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
04/23/2025 - 04/24/2025 ChangzhouChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 04/29/2025 - 04/30/2025 BucharestRomaniaRomanian EUR 750 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 WarsawPolandPolish PLN 2020 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
05/06/2025 - 05/07/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
05/07/2025 - 05/08/2025 Cotia-SPBrasilPortuguese BRL 2040 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
05/12/2025 - 05/13/2025 SchwertbergAustriaGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
05/13/2025 - 05/14/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
05/19/2025 - 05/20/2025 NurembergGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
05/27/2025 - 05/28/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 06/03/2025 - 06/04/2025 BudapestHungaryHungarian EUR 519 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
06/05/2025 - 06/06/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
06/12/2025 - 06/13/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
06/16/2025 - 06/17/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
06/23/2025 - 06/24/2025 Cotia-SPBrasilPortuguese BRL 2040 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
06/25/2025 - 06/26/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 ChangzhouChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
07/03/2025 - 07/04/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
07/07/2025 - 07/08/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
07/07/2025 - 07/08/2025 SchwertbergAustriaGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
07/15/2025 - 07/16/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
07/22/2025 - 07/23/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
08/05/2025 - 08/06/2025 ChangzhouChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
08/07/2025 - 08/08/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
08/14/2025 - 08/15/2025 Cotia-SPBrasilPortuguese BRL 2040 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
08/14/2025 - 08/15/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
08/20/2025 - 08/21/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
08/27/2025 - 08/28/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
09/01/2025 - 09/02/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
09/03/2025 - 09/04/2025 NurembergGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
09/08/2025 - 09/09/2025 SchwertbergAustriaGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
09/10/2025 - 09/11/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 09/13/2025 - 09/14/2025 BucharestRomaniaRomanian EUR 750 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
09/22/2025 - 09/23/2025 SchwertbergAustriaEnglish EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
09/22/2025 - 09/23/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 09/25/2025 - 09/26/2025 StuttgartGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
10/01/2025 - 10/02/2025 HannoverGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 10/06/2025 - 10/07/2025 WarsawPolandPolish PLN 2020 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
10/08/2025 - 10/09/2025 Cotia-SPBrasilPortuguese BRL 2040 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
10/08/2025 - 10/09/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
10/13/2025 - 10/14/2025 ChangzhouChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
10/22/2025 - 10/23/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
10/28/2025 - 10/29/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
11/03/2025 - 11/04/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
11/10/2025 - 11/11/2025 SchwertbergAustriaGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 11/12/2025 - 11/13/2025 WarsawPolandPolish PLN 2020 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
11/17/2025 - 11/18/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
11/24/2025 - 11/25/2025 HagenGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
11/24/2025 - 11/25/2025 NurembergGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
11/26/2025 - 11/27/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
12/01/2025 - 12/02/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
12/16/2025 - 12/17/2025 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
12/29/2025 - 12/30/2025 ChangzhouChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
01/05/2026 - 01/06/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
01/07/2026 - 01/08/2026 HannoverGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
01/15/2026 - 01/16/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
01/19/2026 - 01/20/2026 SchwertbergAustriaGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
01/22/2026 - 01/23/2026 ChangzhouChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 01/22/2026 - 01/23/2026 StuttgartGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
01/26/2026 - 01/27/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
02/02/2026 - 02/03/2026 ChangzhouChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 02/02/2026 - 02/03/2026 WarsawPolandPolish PLN 2020 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
02/03/2026 - 02/04/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
02/09/2026 - 02/10/2026 NurembergGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
02/16/2026 - 03/17/2026 SchwertbergAustriaGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
03/04/2026 - 03/05/2026 Cotia-SPBrasilPortuguese BRL 2040 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
03/05/2026 - 03/06/2026 ChangzhouChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
03/12/2026 - 03/13/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
03/16/2026 - 03/17/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
03/23/2026 - 03/24/2026 HagenGermanyGerman EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
03/23/2026 - 03/24/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
CC300 03/24/2026 - 03/25/2026 BucharestRomaniaRomanian EUR 750 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
03/30/2026 - 03/31/2026 SchwertbergAustriaEnglish EUR 840 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
04/09/2026 - 04/10/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
04/15/2026 - 04/16/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
04/20/2026 - 04/21/2026 ShanghaiChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Process plastic surface (PPS)
04/22/2026 - 04/23/2026 ChangzhouChinaChinese CNY 1400 registration form
Contact us
I'd like to hear from you.
Wayne Ball
ENGEL UK Limited

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