ENGEL Global

Dates Trainings

Machine Technical Hydraulic Level 2 victory (MTH-L2-victory)

Hydraulic systems of ENGEL victory injection moulding machines level 2

Seminar objectives

The participant knows the structure of the hydraulics of victory injection moulding machines. He/She understands their functional sequences and can quickly and effectively recognise and eliminate hydraulic problems.


Seminar content

  • Structure of the hydraulics of a victory machine
  • Function of the hydraulic components
  • Reading hydraulic diagrams
  • Possible faults in the hydraulic system and how to rectify them
  • Practical exercises on the injection moulding machine


Duration of seminar

1 day


Target group

Maintenance and servicing personnel - Hydraulics



Basic knowledge of hydraulics and machine operation, seminar MTH-L1


Contact us
I'd like to hear from you.
Wayne Ball
ENGEL UK Limited

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Available languages
South America
North & Central America