ENGEL Global

Dates Trainings

Machine Technical Operation (MTO)

Operation of ENGEL injection moulding machines for maintenance personnel

Seminar objectives

The participant understands the basic procedures of the injection moulding process. He learns and understands the technical language of plastics technology (mould protection, holding pressure, dynamic pressure, etc.) and can better assess the consequences of his actions. Set and actual values can be changed and checked for troubleshooting. The maintenance person can carry out manual functions and a dry run independently after consultation with the setter.


Seminar content

  • Basics of injection moulding technology
  • Structure and mode of operation of an injection moulding machine
  • Injection moulding process and the technical terminology (mould protection, changeover point, etc.)
  • Structure, operation and setting of the ENGEL control unit
  • Working with the extensive help functions of an injection moulding machine
  • Practical exercises on the injection moulding machine


Duration of seminar

1 day


Target group

Maintenance and servicing personnel - Electrical/mechanical/hydraulic





Contact us
I'd like to hear from you.
Wayne Ball
ENGEL UK Limited

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Available languages
South America
North & Central America