ENGEL Global

Dates Trainings

Robot Technical Maintenance viper (RTM-viper)

Control technology and maintenance of ENGEL viper robots

Seminar objectives

The aim of this seminar is to effectively carry out maintenance work on ENGEL viper robot systems and to quickly detect and eliminate malfunctions. The participant is familiar with the robot control unit and its functions and masters the troubleshooting procedure.


Seminar content

  • System structure
  • Control modules, calibration of drives
  • Robot setup
  • Error messages and their correction
  • Practical exercises on a robot


Duration of seminar

2 days


Target group

Maintenance and repair personnel



Good knowledge of electrical engineering and machine operation, seminar MTE-L1


Contact us
I'd like to hear from you.
Wayne Ball
ENGEL UK Limited

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Available languages
South America
North & Central America