ENGEL Global

Dates Trainings

Process injection moulding (PIM)

Basic knowledge on injection moulding for newcomers

Seminar objectives

This seminar provides the necessary knowledge on injection moulding for newcomers in the industry. In addition to background explanations, participants are introduced to the world of plastics and injection moulding technology by means of extensive practical exercises to equip them for working in the plastics industry.


Seminar content

  • Basics of plastics: Production, chemical structure, properties and their applications
  • Design and function of an injection moulding machine
  • The process sequence - injection cycle and its phases
  • Basics of mould technology
  • Insights into special technologies
  • Basic information on iQ programmes (automated process monitoring)
  • Practical exercises on the injection moulding machine


Duration of seminar

2 days


Target group

Newcomers to the plastics industry and injection moulding





Contact us
I'd like to hear from you.
Wayne Ball
ENGEL UK Limited

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Available languages
South America
North & Central America